Speedy Products In aloe vera - Insights

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Amphetamines are a great drug for america. Ups and downs man. Ritalin is like, the longer cheaper pharmaceutical cocaine. The right dose and you will feel geeked for a solid hour and half, lit for like 3 hours, and then the slow, 6-18 hour spiral of disphoria, insomnia, paranoia, mania, basically a one way ticket to the hell dimension every tweaker describes effortlessly in their actions.

Adderall is powdered gold. Real amphetamines, the shit that built everything overly verbose and deeply flawed in last 400 years. Adderall is a cleaner high which has a smaller range of sensation than Ritalin, i.e. you do not get as much of a geeked up rush, the buzz is much more of a steady, rising slightly perhaps but it is so constant and the change is so slight you don't notice. Also, like all speed drugs it increases the pace of your time perception so you will be very higher sooner than you think, but not because the drug has worked faster than you expected, because it has caused time to move faster than you expected.

Done writing this. If i had speed it would be a hundred pages long and I'd think it was brilliant but get a B- and decide getting a B- and having done the whole thing the night before in a drug induced fugue state was better than working hard all week and getting an A any way. Self delusion? Your opinion here ------>>