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There are a great many Beloved Animals in the world and it is wise to respect that. Often, being beloved is a great threat to Personal Freedom as Lovers project impossible demands onto the Image of the Objects of their Desire. The beloved simply cannot live up to the expectations forced upon them. Occasionally, the newly-beloved forcefully raise themselves to meet the expectations of a Lover. This may be Empowering

This may also be SERIOUSLY dangerous. The Lover MAY be manipulated by the Beloved, as the beloved is placed on a Pedestal and is made Perfect, Infallible & Divine. When the beloved realizes the Power they control it may destroy their integrity and they seek to dominate and control their Lover. Thus, the Lover blinds itself to the Reality of the situation and they craft their own Destruction. Out of Sweetness & Ignorance they accidentally invent a Monster.

The Lover/Beloved relationship generally leads to Insanity for all involved.