User:John the thunderbird

Revision as of 20:40, 27 October 2014 by AsianThunder (Talk | contribs)

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You are feeling sleepy... Very sleepy...

i deleted it by accident when pasting my post...didn't mean to fuck around with the page on purpose or anything. i added it again.

you're right...took out my rant. shouldnt feed trolls

Friendly Larry Lagomorph's Futureland BBS
Sysop: Kim Jong ILL
Located in Pyongyang, North Korea

Schizophrenia Talking Time Archive
Monologue every odd numbered day at 11:59 P.M. EST until boredom strikes. Usually around 12:15 A.M. EST
I am an accredited hypnotist, so be warned.

Music For Transvestites, By Transvestites
