Learned Helplessness

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Learned helpelssness is why you jack off and suck titty. comfort for the weak.


"The answer is, you always fuck"


Wid1111 Do Harder

Life is a game [2], you begin with almost everything against you or so it seems. This feeling of the world being against you can be used to your advantage, every failure can always be taken as a positive step. Life is crazier than can ever be explained, this is most likely a simulation where your mind directly controls reality, the quantum holographic matrix we are in is a super crazy video game. You may have no skills, but put your attention to one thing like a crazy person and do over and over, fail over and over and your skills will level up like magic.

When you are going for things you will always feel resistance, from the inside and out, that is why most people are drifting through life. It is like a test of how bad you really want it. Most people get to the first wall and don't even try to climb it, they change direction until they hit another wall and carry on like this.

You have the ability to be or do whatever you can imagine. Do you want a normal life and to carry on doing as you have always done? or do you want to actually play the game instead of being played by it?

The time is now, there is no other time. you are always thinking, your mind is always talking to you. But who controls that voice>? are you on autopilot or are you going to decide to start doing and making your visions reality?

Visualize plan and execute.

Make shit happen with no other backup option. It has to happen. Fuck being normal. Save nothing for the swim back..